!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (continuing exclamation from my last post).
I am moving back home for the summer to attack force delta on my fundraising so I don't have too many thoughts I can put here. But here are the details:
Where: Manila, Philippines (joining with the Filipino navigators)
Who: Jason McNeillie (fellow EDGE corps), Jon Vickers ('09 UMass - just graduated), and 8 other students from around the nation.
When: June 15 - August 1
What: You will be ministering and serving kids and their families by teaching reading English, math and the bible. There are three groups - ages 7-9, 10-12 and 13 up. This will be three to four times of meetings. Leading Bible studies among the parents and high school students and also will be showing evangelistic movies and teaching livelihood skills. We can have at least three movie screening. Please bring the movies in CD or DVD.