I just want to say thanks to everyone I have talked to within the past few weeks. Your love and care for my trip to the Philippines and time back home has been really great and encouraging. I'm surprised how my reverse culture shock has hit me this time around (in light of other trips I've been on), but your comfort has definitely helped me cope with whatever it is. Can't say that it is all sunshine and roses till forever, but Today is a beautiful morning.
And thinking about that made me think of this song:
'It's a Beautiful Morning'
by The Rascals
It's a beautiful mornin' ahhh
I think I'l go outside a while
An jus' smile
Just take in some clean fresh air boy
Ain't no sense in stayin' inside
If the weather's fine an' you got the time
It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day
Either way
It's a beautiful mornin' ahhh
Each bird keeps singin' his own song
So long
I've got to be on my way now
Ain't no fun just hangin' around
I've got to cover ground you couldn't keep me down
It just ain't no good if the sun shines
when you're still inside
Shouldn't hide still inside
Shouldn't hide still inside shouldn't hide
Ahhhh oh shouldn't hide ah ah oh
Reverse-culture shock is basically the coping mechanism of coming back to the familiar. It isn't that coming back to America surprises me, but I realize what I don't have when I "lose it." Everything that I had deeply come to appreciate uniquely about the Philippines is no longer with me, and I don't know what to do about that. And to note, what I didn't have in the Philippines was probably the most apparent (clean air, water, utilities, etc.). And so my natural responses has been a lot of fear and isolation. I am afraid that no one understands me, therefore I isolate myself from everyone else.
And actually this past weekend has revealed that my response is not based on something true. Though my experience is unique, we can identify together with Jesus. And that's where a lot of my encouragement has come from. We are here together. When Jesus tells us the two greatest commandments in Mark 12:29-31, it isn't a formula of pleasing God. It is an expression of how much God loves us and how we can come to know this love. It is also a directive, sage advice, to help us find our life. Fear and isolation is a common response. And it has been driving me down in discouragement. Loving God with everything we got and loving our neighbors helps us see Jesus, to see life.
I woke up today and thought about this, it was great (perhaps BEAUTIFUL!? I was intrigued to overuse that cliche).
With a deep gratitude for helping me see God,
photo taken by zking1286